LEO/First Responder Bible Study & Fellowship

With our relationship with the Law Enforcement agencies, CSCNaz provides an opportunity for law enforcement officers who serve in our surrounding area and community to come together for a time of fellowship, studying the Bible, and prayer. LEO's perceive the world and their communities differently than most. They see more trauma, tragedy, violence, suffering, pain, crime, and negativity in one week than most people see in a lifetime. They experience high stress situations regularly and frequently. Although the profession is burdensome and difficult, many LEO's feel a deep and profound sense of calling to protect and serve the people around them. They are highly trained in many ways, but oftentimes the spiritual aspect- of their lives, careers, families, and callings- is neglected. Many LEO's struggle with attending church, for a plethora of reasons. This time provides a safe and comfortable place for them to find support in one another and most importantly: in God. 

This group is also partnered with the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers.


According to FCPO: 

"FCPO brings Christian officers together in a welcoming environment for fellowship and support. They are encouraged to embrace their profession as God’s personal calling and understand that their service is to God as His tool for serving, protecting, ministering, and accountability. With resources and materials, FCPO provides and encourages spiritual commitment and growth within officers to create a firm Christian worldview, enabling them to engage the many challenges and difficulties they face daily.

Through local chapters and individually, FCPO members have opportunities to develop strong ties with fellow Christians in law enforcement. Working and praying together, our own spiritual growth is deepened as we encourage, support, and are accountable to each other.

Committed Christian officers can take the love of Jesus into places and situations where civilians could never go. Can you imagine the impact on society of law enforcement officers responding to every call for service with Christian compassion? Their changed lives have the potential to transform their agencies, their family lives, and the communities they serve."